
The following changes have been made to classes/functions/methods of this extension.

8.1.0mysqli_driver::$report_modeThe default value is now MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR | MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT. Previously, it was MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF.
 mysqli_result::fetch_allNow also available when linking against libmysqlclient.
 mysqli_stmt::executeThe optional params parameter has been added.
 mysqli_stmt::next_resultNow also available when linking against libmysqlclient.
 mysqli::$client_infoCalling mysqli_get_client_info with the mysql argument has been deprecated. This function never required a parameter, but incorrectly allowed it as an optional parameter.
 mysqli::$client_infoThe object-oriented style mysqli::get_client_info has been deprecated.
 mysqli::initThe object-oriented style mysqli::init method has been deprecated. Replace calls to parent::init with parent::__construct.
8.0.0mysqli_result::fetch_objectconstructor_args now accepts [] for constructors with 0 parameters; previously an exception was thrown.
 mysqli_stmt::closeThis function now always returns true. Previously it returned false on failure.
 mysqli_stmt::__constructquery is now nullable.
 mysqli::begin_transactionname is now nullable.
 mysqli::closeThis function now always returns true. Previously it returned false on failure.
 mysqli::commitname is now nullable.
 mysqli::debugThis function now always returns true. Previously it returned false on failure.
 mysqli::rollbackname is now nullable.
7.4.0mysqli::__constructAll parameters are now nullable.
 mysqli::real_connectAll parameters are now nullable.