
(PECL fann >= 1.0.0)

fann_set_callbackSets the callback function for use during training


fann_set_callback(resource $ann, callable $callback): bool

Sets the callback function for use during training. It means that it is called from fann_train_on_data() or fann_train_on_file().



Neural network resource.


The supplied callback function takes following parameters:

  • ann - The neural network resource
  • train - The train data resource or null if called from fann_train_on_file()
  • max_epochs - The maximum number of epochs the training should continue
  • epochs_between_reports - The number of epochs between calling this function
  • desired_error - The desired fann_get_MSE() or fann_get_bit_fail(), depending on the stop function chosen by fann_set_train_stop_function()
  • epochs - The current epoch

The callback should return true. If it returns false, the training will terminate.

Return Values

Returns true on success, or false otherwise.

See Also