The SolrUpdateResponse class

(PECL solr >= 0.9.2)


Represents a response to an update request.

Class synopsis

final class SolrUpdateResponse extends SolrResponse {
/* Constants */
const int PARSE_SOLR_OBJ = 0;
const int PARSE_SOLR_DOC = 1;
/* Inherited properties */
protected int $http_status;
protected int $parser_mode;
protected bool $success;
protected string $http_status_message;
protected string $http_request_url;
protected string $http_raw_request_headers;
protected string $http_raw_request;
protected string $http_raw_response_headers;
protected string $http_raw_response;
protected string $http_digested_response;
/* Methods */
public __construct()
public __destruct()
/* Inherited methods */
public SolrResponse::setParseMode(int $parser_mode = 0): bool
public SolrResponse::success(): bool

Predefined Constants

SolrUpdateResponse Class Constants


Documents should be parsed as SolrObject instances


Documents should be parsed as SolrDocument instances.

Table of Contents